Boarding Kennels Terms & Conditions

Top Dog NI for Cats and Dogs

Terms and Conditions of Boarding

All animals are boarded at Top Dog NI for Cats and Dogs at the owner’s risk. No animal will be accepted unless proof of inoculation and (for dogs) Kennel Cough vaccination is provided prior to or upon arrival.

When you make a booking request by e mail, in person or by telephone, your booking is not confirmed until we have received the agreed deposit. If this has not yet been transacted, please telephone us to make payment by credit or debit card. Please note we do not accept cheques. The deposit is non-refundable unless we receive one month’s notice of cancellation or amendment prior to the commencement of the booking. In the event of the cancellation of any booking without 14 day’s advance notice, we will apply a cancellation fee of 50% of the full value of the cancelled booking. An administration fee of £10.00 will be charged to process the cancellation and make the refund. Cancellation of bookings which take place after 12.00 noon of the previous day of the check in date or in the event of No Show, the full amount of the booking will be chargeable.

We will require full payment for the booking by card, cash or Direct Debit when you leave your animal with us. No reduction will be offered for early collection.

Check-in between 10.00 to 10:30 – 4 days. (Earlier check-in is available by using our day care service.)

Closed Bank Holidays all day.

 Please supply any additional food you may require for your pet in sufficient quantities.


We retain essential client data for our business purposes only and do not share any clients’ data with external organisations. You can request at any time by e mail or telephone that we remove personal data from our records.

Below is a copy of the Contract you will be asked to sign when you check in your animal.


I understand that while every care will be given to my animal(s), they are boarded at my own risk. I authorise you to call a veterinary surgeon on my behalf should we feel it is necessary. Top Dog NI will first endeavour to make contact with the contact person supplied.
N.B. I will be liable for any related charges.

Top Dog NI reserves the right to re-home any animal not collected within 15 days of the stated departure dates if no communication from the owner, or owner’s agent, is received and if efforts to contact the owner fail.

No animal will be accepted unless proof of an up to date vaccination is provided prior to or upon arrival. This is required by law. Top Dog NI also requires up to date Kennel Cough vaccination for dogs.

Please arrive by appointment only

Animals collected after 12.00 noon will incur an additional night’s fee.

I agree to my dog(s) being exercised under supervision with other compatible dogs within a secure area.

Grooming Terms & Conditions

When your dog is with us, its health and welfare is our main concern at all stages of the grooming process. Should we believe your dog is experiencing any fear or stress at any time, we will where possible employ alternative stratagies to alleviate this. This may require extra time or sessions to overcome this problem.

During grooming it is possible pre-existing conditions are noticed, which you will be informed of, in order you can seek veterinary advice. Extremely rarely accidents can happen whilst grooming, or medical issues can arise. In the unlikely event of this happening you authorise us to seek emergency veterinary treatment.

Time Keeping
Our appointment slots are timed to each individual dog, with a period of time to try and prevent any overlap. This ensures we are not rushing to complete your dog. The appointment time given, is the time we expect to admit you to the salon. If you are early for your appointment, we may not be in a position to grant you immediate access. Likewise if you are late we may have to refuse to groom on welfare grounds. This will incur a fee. Customers who are 30 minutes or more late will be deemed to be a ‘no show’ and charged the full appointment fee. If you leave your dog with us, and are late collecting, this will also incur a fee, as it will impact on the next customer. We ask that everyone shows the same courtesy afforded to you to others.

All quoted prices assume:

The dogs coat is well maintained free from Knots, matts and tangles.

The dog is well behaved, shows no aggression and groomed at our recommended periods.

The dog is not overweight or oversized for the breed.

Whilst we are happy to work with nervous/ timid dogs, these may incur extra charges due to the extra time and handling skills required.

Charges will be incurred for matted coats, those that are poorly maintained, or dogs with fleas. All charges are payable before you leave the salon with your pet. Payment can be made by card, cash or BACS( payment prior to appointment).

Cancellations and No Shows.
We appreciate that sometimes you may need to rearrange your dogs appointment. as long as this is done with more than 48 hours notice there will be no charge. Any failure to show or cancellation with less than 24 hours notice (except in extreme circumstances) will result in the full fee been payable, and no further appointments been booked until the account is settled. Cancellations between 24-48 hrs will be charged at half the appointment fee.

Neglected / Matted coats.
We practice humanity before vanity. Should a dog be presented with a matted or neglected coat, if our opinion is that it will be kinder to shave the coat back completely, this will be done in compliance with The Animal Welfare Act 2006 ( Sec 5. – Animals are to be protected from pain, injury and suffering) This incurs extra charges due to time and extra wear and tear on equipment.

In instances where the above is necessary, it can lead to skin irritation and other conditions. On some breeds the coat may not grow back in the same manner. Top Dog NI Grooming and its staff, will not be liable for any effects which may arise from this.

Aggressive and Poorly Socialised Dogs
We reserve the right to refuse to groom any dog if we believe it may cause injury to itself or any members of staff at our Salon. If a dog exhibits aggression or behaviour we have not been informed of prior to the groom, the session will be stopped immediately and the full fee incurred.

We must be informed prior to grooming of any previous history of biting or aggression. Your attention is drawn to the dangerous dogs act which holds owners liable for bites and Injuries.

Please toilet your dog before attending their appointment to avoid any accidents. Any dog that toilets inside the salon will incur an extra fee for its human.

Grooming Feedback
After each session we will inform you of any problems we have encountered, or any concerns we have re your dog. This is the time to inform us of any concerns you have in relation to the groom. The majority of our business is repeat custom, and we wish to maintain our standards and reputation. We often take pictures to show examples of before and after work and to use for training and information. Should you not wish photos of your dog to appear on social media please inform us at the time of the groom. We also ask that should you have a problem, we are approached prior to any negative reviews been left on social media.

Customer details
Your details are held in confidence by us, as a reference to the safe grooming of your dog. The only time they are shared would be on request by another groomer within the welsh groomers group to allow safe assessment and grooming of your dog.

Retail store Terms & Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to all transactions made at Please take time to read them carefully and note they do not affect your statutory rights.

Each time you place an online order with us you will be asked to agree to our current terms and conditions. Please ensure that you are familiar with these as they are subject to change at any time.

Our Contract With You
Enjoy your shopping experience with us and remember you can check and amend any errors on your order up until the moment you click the final ‘Place Your Order’ button.

After submitting your order, we will give you a unique Order Reference Number. At this stage this is just an acknowledgment of what you would like to purchase. Acceptance of your order and the creation of a legally binding contract between us will only occur when you receive an email to confirm payment has been received.

If for any reason we have to decline all or part of your order, we will contact you as soon as possible to let you know.

To help protect both you and us from fraudulent transactions we work with our payment processing partner to approve orders. This process may include information from credit reference and fraud detection agencies. Rest assured, we will always tell you if your payment details cannot be authorised for any reason and may invite you to pay by another method.

Prices and Payment
All prices and charges on our website are shown in UK pounds sterling and are inclusive of any VAT payable. Delivery charges are calculated separately.

Your order total is the price of the products you have selected, plus the applicable delivery charge. Don’t worry, all costs, including any discounts will be clearly set out for you before you choose to submit your order.

We work hard to ensure that all the information on our site is accurate, however, occasionally mistakes can occur. If we discover an error in the price or description of a product you have ordered, we will let you know, so you can decide whether to cancel or continue with your order.

Any other websites which you link to, or were linked to from, are governed by their own terms and conditions. We accept no responsibility or liability for the content or operation of websites which are not under our control. We are required by law to tell you that sales can be concluded in English only and that no public filing requirements apply.